Saturday, June 9, 2012

New Homemade Shampoo Recipe

After reading 5 best essential oils for beautiful hair and the oil cleansing method I decided to re-work my homemade shampoo recipe (conditioner recipe too). The original works great but this one works even better. Not only does my hair look better, but my scalp feels better.

1.5 tsp baking soda
6-10 drops or 1/8 tsp tea tree oil
6-10 drops or 1/8 tsp jojoba oil
6-10 drops or 1/8 tsp sage oil
6-10 drops or 1/8 tsp rosemary oil
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup liquid castile soap (I used Dr. Bronner's unscented/baby)

Mix ingredients together in an old shampoo bottle, do not shake, just swirl it around a little bit every time before you use.

For ladies with long hair, I start from the base of my neck at the roots and work my way up to get all my roots washed, then squeeze extra shampoo into the rest of you hair. I let it sit in my hair for a little bit (10-30 second) and rinse out. It felt really weird using it the first time because your hair kinda feels greasy after but trust me it all turns out fine in the end. Also I only wash my hair every other day.

The tea tree oil is great for treating dandruff and psoriasis and has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. The jojoba oil is a great cleansing oil and is helpful in treating ache. The sage oil helps balance scalp oils and helps to normalize hormone levels. The rosemary oil encourages hair growth and is helpful for treating both dandruff and psoriasis.

So you might ask...why go no poo? read all about it on The Crunchy Wife!

Rosemary, Sage, Tea Tree and Jojoba oils

Monday, June 4, 2012

Bloggers for Birth Kits

Who knew that "Every minute a women dies of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth." I most certainly did not know it was that frequent. I learned about a way to help end this unbelievable tragedy when my mom shared The Mommyhood Memos blog with me. I read her post about creating clean birth kits and wanted to do something. I have been praying about how I would help and felt that I should make a donation. As much as I wanted to sit down and create a bunch of birth kits I felt it made more since to give money since I would need to ship them to Australia. $10 will buy 5 kits! Think you can a make a difference in 10 peoples lives for a donation of $10.

Photo courtesy of YWAM ships

For more information on how you can help to please visit The Mommyhood Memos, Bloggers for birth kits post.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sseko Style 2

Sseko's and Keds for the little guy
I pretty much always have a dinosaur or a car with me...

Cardi-Banana Republic, T-shirt and capris-Target, Shoes-Sseko's
We went to a bakery by the water and enjoyed some coffe, hot choco and pastries. I have been trying to really pull myself together. I used to dress with my own personal style but over the last few years I have kind of just been putting on clothes. As a new mother, I felt like I akways needed to be stain proof. This new cardi is not something I would have usually picked out for myself but now its one of my favorite pieces. I love how it goes with everything and I really love the lace detail that adds something special without being to much.

The good old Classic Tie
And last but not lovely Sseko's! I chose navy straps to add a little more color. We also went out shopping after and I was asked, "hey where did you get those, they are so cute?" I of course explained a bit about them and wrote down the website...I love sharing the Sseko story!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Roasted Golden Beets Recipe

I am absolutely in love with golden beets. We planted then in the garden and enjoyed the beet greens and now I am enjoying them roasted. I went out a grabbed a pack of seeds so I can plant more. I love the lighter flavor they have compared to red beets and the fact that they don't stain everything. I keep it simple...

2 medium sized golden beets
2 carrots
olive oil
Italian seasoning

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Peel and chop beets and carrots into chunks, toss in olive oil and a dash of Italian seasoning. Place on a baking pan and cover with foil. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until tender. Remove foil and bake for another 5-10 minutes.

Delicious, simple and healthy.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A new direction

I have mentioned in the past about how there are a lot of changes going on in my life right now but I was not ready to write about them until now. Part of me wanted to keep it off the blog because it doesn't fit into what I normally write about but things are changing and this blog is about our adventure. I will still be writing about some of the same things I always have but there will be some new things.

I am on a journey out of an abusive relationship and becoming a single mother. I do not believe that bashing others is helpful in any way, so I will only be writing truths, no bashing will be involved. I will be writing more about my adventures in being a newly single mom and my struggles with starting over. We were on a hiatus in Portland but it will now be a permanent move. Here's to our new adventure...moving forward step by step.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Very Hungry Caterpillar Inspired Birthday Party

Happy Birthday to my little guy!

Papa Murphy's cheese pizza with pepperoni, mushroom, olive, and bell pepper caterpillars, with basil leaves.

funky but fun...a hungry caterpillar balloon

Leaf wine charms and straws.

Arranging cupcakes

Voila! Jellybean eyes/nose, gummy worm antennae and chocolate chip feet.

Butterfly favors.
We kept it small...just some family friends, but I still wanted to make it a bit special. I like to be frugal so this is what we ended up with...funky but fun. He had a blast and didn't end up falling asleep until around 10:30!

Pinterest was a major help in getting creative along with the clearance wall clings we found to decorate the windows...they are now on his bedroom window. Once we choose the theme it was hard not to get to carried many fun ideas but we focused on keeping it frugal and fun.

The original plan for the head of the caterpillar was a doughnut with red sprinkles but when I went to pick it up from the store (I pre-ordered to make sure I would have it) they had made the wrong thing, a rectangle instead of a circle...annoying. I tried to come up with a fix by just getting another doughnut but they "were out" of any circle doughnuts! They offered to let me talk to the manager and my thought was..."what is he a magician?" Hearing sorry from another person is not going to change the fact that you messed up something really simple. Then she said "well do you still want it?" Really? Come on! Sorry for the rant. :)

So I went home to try and come up with a solution...I made a little cake I thought would work for the head but after it was done it just looked way to big so I just used another cupcake and turned the extra cake into a sun. We used those new frosting's that you choose the flavor and add it to it. We used Mint Chocolate Chip to get the minty green color. All the kids were happy and all in all it turned out great. I cannot believe my little guy is 3!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sseko style

First chance to wear them this year...I love my Sseko's!
I am loving the weather up here, spring is spring not crazy hot! I am still working on finding a great spot to take photos with natural light that works well. It takes time and the camera I am using is missing the charger so I now basically have no camera except one on my phone. Not a necessity of life by any means though. I am working on remembering how to re-tie all the ties I came up with last summer so I can create how to videos. If you have not already checked out Sseko Designs, you really should. There are an amazing not-for-profit helping women and they create beautiful sandals and clutches.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Harvest Monday 4-30-12

Well I finally got to harvest something...some lettuce from our little backyard garden. I of course did not take a picture of it. I also planted some celery starts, along with beet and carrot seeds down at our little community garden plot. I checked it yesterday and the beets are coming up! I also have purple peas, kale, swiss chard, claytonia, and 2 types of lettuce coming up in the backyard. Lots of havesting to come! One thing I love about all this rain is the fact that I don't have to worry about watering as much. :)

Happy harvest Monday! We are linking up with Daphne's Dandelions, where others show off there harvests!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The tulip festival 2012

Please note this blog is no longer updated. (Click here to find my new blog address).

pure beauty
ducky races

My silly little guy was giving me a slow motion kiss

driving the John Deere, sound effects and all

We had an amazing adventure...we headed off for the tulip festival this morning with my parents, hoping for no rain. It was beautiful, the little guy had so much fun. They have so much for the kids, ducky races, slides, bouncy house, tire swings shaped like tractors/horses, tractors, and even a train with the cars painted into cows! Its shocking seeing so many tulips in bloom at the same time and we were not even there for the craziness. It looks like a lot in the pictures and it is but there are still fields and fields waiting to bloom. The little guy had his first carnival (festival) food, a hot dog, us adults had brawts instead. He took a short nap in the car ride home and we spent the afternoon in the wood shop helping grandpa with his project. A great day!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

a fresh change

There are a lot of things up in the air right now in my life, I feel kind of like I'm in an in between place. I want to move forward but have to take it one step at a time. I would really love to just skip forward to the future, wouldn't we all sometimes. One thing I can change right now is my hair! I have been wanting to change up my hair for awhile now but just was not sure of exactly what I wanted. I love the natural color of my hair so dying it was I chopped it.

from this...

to this!
I am loving it...its a long bob, slightly a-line in back. It takes a little more work but I look and feel better. Easy, cute and I can still pull it back to garden! Its kinda weird how a hair cut can make you feel so good...I feel free, fresh and like I cut off a bunch of dead weight. So here's to the new step by step future...moving forward.

One more of me in the garden with the little guy

Monday, April 9, 2012

Garden update April 2012

the clay is dug out and the cinder blocks in put in place

two trips with the trailer to get a yard of blended soil

I have a place to get my hands dirty! The makeshift garden bed is somewhat complete. I still have to plant more and set up some way to harvest and plant in the middle, but its a start. My back hurts but my heart is full. I transplanted some Oregon snap peas and some mix lettuce. Later this week I will get more started. I am having trouble planning where to put everything. I am used to a lot more space but it will be a nice challenge. Happy Harvest Monday, we are linking up with Daphne's Dandelions.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

DIY Easter grass: updated

My mom found this great idea at Carissa's Creativity Space. Its really easy, fun for kids and cute! Basically you are growing wheat grass so you could also add it to a smoothie when your done using it for its cute purpose. Its so quick to grow, the first and second pictures were only taken a day apart, and this morning its even taller. We made two to place on the table for decoration. The little guy really enjoied helping.

So here we go:
Buy some wheat berries, we got them at Fred Meyer's bulk section. We soaked them for a few minutes before we "planted" them. Spread at least a half inch of moist potting soil in the container you plan on using. Then sprinkle soaked wheat berries over the top, we placed cling wrap over the top to keep the moisture in. Make sure to give it air though otherwise you might develop mold. Keep them moist but not soaking. In a few days they will sprout and start growing. Check out her post for more info.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Beco Baby Carrier love...

I have been wanting a good baby carrier for a long time, I finally got myself a Beco Butterfly II a couple months ago. I love the Beco Butterfly II because I can still carry my toddler who is over 30 pounds comfortably. It seems weird to purchase a baby carrier for a 2.5 year old but it will hold up to 45 pounds. We shop at a bulk store that doesn't have carts, pretty hard to carry bulk items and a 2.5 year old but now he can just ride on my back. We love hitting farmers markets and boy does it help to just keep the little guy on our back. I really love that it has a lining between him and I, it makes putting him on easy by myself, plus it makes it easier switch person to person without taking the child out. I'm sure its going to be a big help on portland public transit in the future. I recommend one for any momma!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Creating a Place to Garden

The future garden

While I'm up here in Portland I still want to be able to garden! I'm at my parents house and this is really the only place that gets good sun. Its kinda hard to see but there is a line curving around the back were it will end. Its a lot smaller then what I am used to but I think that's for the best. I can really focus my time on learning more. The soil up here in their yard is clay so we will have to dig out a lot of it and replace it with some good stuff for growing.

Its a big project and we are starting a bit late but I grabbed a 12 pack starter and will get some seeds started this week. I will be starting claytonia, spinach, kale, swiss chard, red romaine lettuce, and deertongue lettuce. They already have a raised bed full of strawberries (I'm so excited for them...yummy) and we will have our herbs in pots on the deck. I have a lot to learn about growing up here but I am excited for a new challenge. My mom helps run a small community garden so I plan on helping out there and learning from other gardeners.

I did actually get to harvest something this week! Just a few twigs of rosemary to make some homemade conditioner...hey, its something! We are linking up with Daphne's Dandelions for Harvest Monday, a place for gardeners from all over the world to show off there harvests, check it out.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Vegetarian Chili with Lentils

We had an amazing friend over awhile ago who is a vegetarian, this is what I came up with for our dinner together. I love chili and making veggie chili makes it easy to adds veggies for the kiddos.

1 cup dried beans
1/3 cup dried lentils
2 carrots, chopped
1 bell pepper, chopped
1/2 of an onion, chopped
1 cup corn, fresh or frozen
3 med tomatoes, diced
2 1/2 cup veggie stock
1/2 cup beer
2 1/2 tsp homemade taco seasoning mix (click here for the recipe)
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp cumin
salt to taste

Soak beans overnight in plenty of water. Place rinsed beans, lentils, chopped carrots, veggie stock, and beer into a large pot. Bring up to bubble and then reduce to simmer until beans are cooked and carrots are tender, usually takes about 25-40 minutes. Then throw in the bell pepper, onion, corn, and tomatoes, these only take a few minutes to really cook. At this point add your spices, I usually add the the chili powder, and cumin and then 1 tsp of the taco seasoning. Then taste and add 1/2 tsp by 1/2 tsp until the flavor it just right. If it seems soupy or still has to much liquid, reduce until desired. Then take a taste and see if it needs more salt or flavor. Serve over rice with some cheese, sour cream or guacamole. Serves 4.

Today we are linking up with The Gardener of Eden for Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard, so go check out others wonderful recipes.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cheesy Veggie chowder with Sausage

I used these recipes to create a new came out amazing! I love it!
Cheesy Vegetable Chowder from lulu the baker
Cowboy Potato Chowder from tastykitchen

2 mild sausage
1 cup carrots, chopped
1 cup celery, chopped
1/4 of an onion, chopped
2 potatoes, chopped into bite sized pieces
2 cloves garlic, minced
3.5 cups chicken stock

for the roux:
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup flour

1.5 cups broccoli, in bite sized pieces
1/8 cup Parmesan cheese, shredded
1/4 cup monterey jack cheese, shredded
3/4 cup cheddar cheese, shredded
1/4 cup milk
salt and pepper to taste

Start by pre-steaming the broccoli until barely tender, not quite done. Then saute onions, and garlic in a bit of olive oil in a soup pot until tender. Add sausage, breaking it up as you brown it. Toss in the carrots, celery and potatoes for a few seconds and then add the chicken stock. Bring up to temp and then reduce to a simmer until all the veggies are tender.

Now to make the roux...Start by bringing your soup back up to a bubble. Then heat up the butter in a large skillet and add the flour, whisking continuously over medium high heat until the mixture starts to turn a golden brown color. You will know when it is ready but be careful not to scorch it. Then carefully add the roux to your bubbling soup and stir it in well, this will thicken it up quite a bit.

Now for the last couple steps, throw in the broccoli and cheeses, stirring well so the cheeses melt. Then add the milk, and salt and pepper to taste. Now enjoy a yummy bowl with some crunchy bread!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tips and Tricks: Cookie Dough

We love cookies but most of recipes make way to many. I try to control myself but I love them to much. This trick helps because we make one batch and divide it into three. We bake off the first third and then freeze the rest. Just plop out the other two thirds onto cling wrap, roll up and toss in a freezer bag. Make sure you mark it with the temp and time. Then you can pull it out, slice it up, then defrost and bake. It works great.

We also add oat flour to our regular chocolate chip cookie recipe, replacing 1/2 cup of the flour with oat flour. We make oat flour by food processing oatmeal, it works great. Now I want to make chocolate chip cookies!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Transition to Portland

The little guy and I (Jennie) will be taking a little hiatus in Portland for a bit. The doctor will be keeping us posted on harvests in the future but for this week there is nothing to report. We were busy all week planning for our little trip. Since we will most likely be here for a few months I might try and start some greens so I can harvest a little too. We are featured on Mama Loves Papa today and plan on guest posting there later this month. We are linking up with Daphne's go check out with others are harvesting around the world.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Small Style

sorry its a little blurry

Our sweet little guy
The little guy has his own sense of style. This is what I came home to the other day after work. He loves hats and accessories, as you can see. It has been tough on him with me working more but at the same time it is good for him.

This week Small Style turns one! Congrats to Mama Loves Papa! Thank you for hosting this fun little blog hop every week.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Harvest Monday 2/21-2/27 2012

lovely beet greens, we are still thinning.

More peas!

I love the beet greens, especially the color. We harvested a lot of greens (kale, chard, and spinach) without taking pictures this week. Most were blanched and added to the freezer. The others were added to yummy salads along with claytonia, mache and the last of the lettuces. I also decided to try and make our own spinach powder this week by drying out some of our spinach, wish me luck. I just remembered to add that we also had 5-7 radishes that we harvested this week.

Sadly we had a couple days full of wind and our peas were stripped from there trellis and snapped down in half. I picked the mature ones of the plants and I hope for the best but who knows if they will make it. Everything else in our little garden is perking up with the sun...I keep on the water since we still are waiting for the rain. I love sunny weather but know that rain is what is best this time of year...rain...please come!

I made it to the market this week so here is the first list from the Chico Certified Farmer's Market: Saturday Feb. 25th 2012

Herbs- dill, cilantro, parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme, chives, fennel and lemongrass.

Fruit- grapefruits, many varieties of apples, tangelos, oranges, kiwi, mandarins, lemons, limes and strawberries.

Greens- red Russian kale, dinosaur kale, curly kale, bok choy, arugula, mustard greens, collard greens, many different types of lettuce, tatsoi, spinach, escarole, swiss chard, aruglua and chicory.

Root veggies- parsnips, carrots, beets, turnips, daikon, radish, turnips, and many types of potatoes.

Others- many types of winter squashes, regular cabbage, broccoli, romanesco cauliflower, celery, red onions, sweet onions, garlic, green onion, leeks, mushrooms, sunchokes, avocado, sugar cane, savory cabbage, and asparagus.

Happy Harvest Monday, we are linking up with Daphne's go check out with others are harvesting around the world.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Homemade Shampoo and Conditioner: Updated

Check out the new Homemade Shampoo Recipe here!

I found a couple recipes that I liked so I mixed them together to create what I needed. I used Stimulate from instructables and Quench from instructables to create a shampoo. Then I used a couple different recipes mixed together from Hazel Tree Farm for the conditioner.
Here's my shampoo recipe:

1 tsp baking soda (skip if using the baking soda cleanse, see below)
1/4 tbsp aloe gel (optional, I now skip this step to avoid extra build up)
1/4 tsp avocado oil (optional)
1/8 tsp tea tree oil
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup liquid castile soap (we used Dr. Bronner's Peppermint, but understand that it is strongly scented. We are used to it because we also use Dr. Bronner's peppermint bar soap)

Mix ingredients together in an old shampoo bottle, do not shake, just swirl it around a little bit every time before you use.

For ladies with long hair, I start from the base of my neck at the roots and work my way up to get all my roots washed, then squeeze extra shampoo into the rest of you hair. I let it sit in my hair for a little bit (10-30 second) and rinse out. It felt really weird using it the first time because your hair kinda feels greasy after but trust me it all turns out fine in the end. Also I only wash my hair every other day.

Here's my conditioner recipe:

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp-1/4 cup fresh rosemary
1 1/2 cup water

Bring water to a boil, throw in rosemary and steep for at least 2 minutes. Remove rosemary and cool water. Add rosemary water and apple cider vinegar to a spray bottle.

After shampooing hair spray water/apple cider vinegar solution all over hair and rinse well. I usually do this twice and it seems to work really well.

After about a week of using them and reading this blog post (on just a couple acres) I decided that I wanted to try a baking soda cleanse to get rid of any old build up from the old store bought shampoo and conditioners. I never got around to trying it so I finally mixed 1 tsp of baking soda into the double batch of shampoo I had already made.

It took a few weeks for me to really get the recipe worked out perfectly. I think it also just takes a few weeks for your hair to adjust to the change. Here is another great blog post about going no 'poo' written by The Crunchy Wife. It explains more about the advantages of going "no poo" and the disadvantages of store bought products. Now I understand why I have the whole dry/oily scalp problem.

I love the way it is all working, my hair actually feels much cleaner and its much much easier to brush. I also feel like I am wasting a lot less water. We have a water softener so it takes a long time to really get store bought conditioner rinsed out of my long hair. The homemade rinse comes right out! I have also noticed that my hair is much less oily. It used to get pretty oily by the end of the second day but now its barely oily at all. Plus I can tell that my scalp is in better shape, not dry or itchy anymore. Sorry I have no before and after pictures. I forgot to take a before, so now an after is pretty worthless.

I learned a little more about how helpful the tea tree oil and rosemary can be for your hair through this article about the 5 best essential oils for hair, check it out!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Harvest Monday 2/14-2/20 2012

Chard, kale, mache, claytonia, spinach and a radish

More spinach, and our first beautiful peas (Sugar Magnolia Purple Snaps from Redwood Seeds)

PEAS! Finally some yummy peas, they tasted amazing. We were not sure if we were ever going to get any since we planted so late in the fall. They managed to over winter and produce! We also had lots of greens to add to salads and a few radishes. Still looking forward to more root veggies and our brassicas in the future.

Sadly, we did not make it to the farmers market this week to get the list. I have a feeling not much changed but next week we will be back with a full list.

We also added a little bit about us (click here) to our blog. Happy Harvest Monday, we are linking up with Daphne's go check out with others are harvesting around the world.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How to make dishwasher detergent

Recipe from Flitterbugs blog.

1 cup borax
1 cup washing soda (she says that baking soda works just fine too, we just already had washing soda)
1/2 cup Kosher salt
1/2 cup citric acid (found with the canning stuff, or use 15 packs of unsweetened lemon Kool-Aid)

Mix all ingredients, except vinegar, in a air tight container. Use about 1 Tbsp per load in the dishwasher. Don't skip this step. Fill rinse-aid container of you dishwasher with white vinegar. This helps to prevent a cloudy build up, especially on plastics.

She recommends using a regular detergent once a month for one load to prevent the plumbing from clogging up. So far it has been working just as good as store bought, plus its much less expensive.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A good month...

...and we are not even half way through.

1. I (Jennie) got a part time job working at a local baby shop, Apple Blossom Baby. Its the perfect job for me, I start today!
2. Our blog now has 20 followers
3. We broke 10,000 page views, one of my secret goals.
4. We already switched 7 products we would normally buy to homemade versions.
5. I get to celebrate my birthday! I feel old (my baby sister turns 21 today), I will be 27 this year. I feel like the last 3 years have gone by way to fast. That's what kids do I guess.

Happy Valentines day to you all!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Harvest Monday 2/7-2/13 2012

Lil' guy likes to hold the basket.
We pulled more radishes (5 of them), a bunch of kale and some spinach. Next year I hope to be able to plant a much larger amount of everything for our fall/winter garden. We still have been able to harvest something every week but I would like to be able to harvest a lot more every week. I think this week we will finally be able to harvest a few purple snap peas!
Here is the first list from the Chico Certified Farmer's Market: Saturday Feb. 11th 2012

Herbs- dill, cilantro, parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme, and lemongrass.

Fruit- grapefruits, many varieties of apples, pommelos, oranges, kiwi, mandarins, lemons, Mexican limes, Palestine limes and strawberries.

Greens- red Russian kale, dinosaur kale, curly kale, bok choy, arugula, mustard greens, collard greens, many different types of lettuce, tatsoi, spinach, swiss chard and pea greens.

Root veggies- parsnips, carrots, beets, turnips, daikon, radish, sweet potatoes, and many types of potatoes.

Others- Butternut squash, acorn squash, many types of winter squashes, red cabbage, regular cabbage, napa cabbage, broccoli, romanesco cauliflower, celery, onions, sweet onions, garlic, green onion, leeks, mushrooms, sunchokes, avocado, kohlrabi, sugar cane, thai peppers, chayote, and yucca.

Changes this week: the addition pea greens.

Happy Harvest Monday, we are linking up with Daphne's go check out with others are harvesting around the world.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

DIY Stir Fry Seasoning Mix

3 Tbsp cornstarch
2 Tbsp sugar
2 Tbsp onion powder
2 Tbsp garlic powder
2 tsp parsley
1 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp paprika

Mix all ingredients together in an air tight container, we used a canning jar. It nice to know that there is not MSG in it, and we will never be out of it when we want stir fry on a whim. It is much less salty than the store band, and I think it tasted much better.

Mix 1 Tbsp of dry mix into 1/2 cup chicken stock, plus 1 Tbsp soy sauce. Make sure it is cold. We also added about 1/16 tsp of sesame seed oil but that is optional.

Then saute up your veggies, meat, etc and near the end pour over sauce and saute on med/low heat until sauce thickens. Enjoy!

Using the silicone baking cups freezer trick is a great way to have the right amount of chicken stock frozen. Then just pull out what you need and defrost, instead of opening a whole jar of chicken stock.

For the original recipe click here

Friday, February 10, 2012

Homemade 409 recipe

2 tbsp. white vinegar
1 tsp borax
1 cup hot water
1/8 cup dish soap

Pour all ingredients, except the dish soap, into a spray bottle. Fill til almost full with cold water, add dish soap. It works really well and it smells just like 409! Recipe from The Frugal Girls website.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

DIY Taco Seasoning mix

1/4 cup chili powder
1 1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp paprika
1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1 1/2 tsp oregano
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper

Mix all ingredients together in an air tight container, we used a canning jar. It nice to know that there is not MSG in it, and we will never be out of it on taco night. I think it tastes way better then the packets.

Substitute 2 rounded tablespoons for 1 packet of taco seasoning.

I found this recipe on Smashed Peas and Carrots website.

Stay tuned by following our blog for more fun recipes. We have a Stir fry seasoning mix coming soon.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Harvest Monday 1/31-2/6 2012

Radishes, parsnips, and carrots

Kale, and beet greens
More root veggies! We needed to thin the root veggies again and instead of giving them to the girls like normal we kept them for ourselves. Even though they are still way to small, the parsnips and carrots tasted great. The doctor said the radishes were great too. I was surprised at how much I liked the beet greens. We sauteed them into some pasta with lentils, marinara and mozzarella cheese. It was amazingly yummy! We also had claytonia, spinach and chard added to a salad or two this week. Our fridge is on the fritz and freezes any veggies so we ate most of it right away and put the kale in the freezer for later.

We have 30 tomato seedlings already and plan on starting more soon, but I also started celery, and 4 types of peppers this past weekend. We are really looking forward to the summer bounty in our garden.

Here is the first list from the Chico Certified Farmer's Market: Saturday Feb. 4th 2012

Herbs- dill, cilantro, parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme, and lemongrass.

Fruit- grapefruits, many varieties of apples, pommelos, oranges, kiwi, mandarins, lemons, Mexican limes, Palestine limes and strawberries.

Greens- red Russian kale, dinosaur kale, curly kale, bok choy, arugula, mustard greens, collard greens, many different types of lettuce, tatsoi, swiss chard and spinach.

Root veggies- parsnips, carrots, beets, turnips, daikon, radish, sweet potatoes, and many types of potatoes.

Others- Butternut squash, acorn squash, many types of winter squashes, red cabbage, regular cabbage, napa cabbage, broccoli, romanesco cauliflower, celery, onions, sweet onions, garlic, green onion, leeks, mushrooms, sunchokes, avocado, kohlrabi, sugar cane, thai peppers, chayote, and yucca.

Changes this week: the addition of strawberries (can you believe it!?) and the subtraction of hachiya persimmons.

Happy Harvest Monday, we are linking up with Daphne's go check out with others are harvesting around the world.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tips and tricks: Silicone baking cups

We came up with this trick since we have an ice maker and no ice cube trays. It actually works great and you can freeze in the perfect amount, about a 1/4 cup. Just fill silicone baking cups with desired amount and freeze. Then pop them out and into a freezer bag. We use it for yogurt for smoothies, juices for smoothies, chicken and veggie stock, and pesto.

What else would it work well for? See the commets for more ideas.
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