Friday, September 16, 2011

The girls (chickens)

Please note this blog is no longer updated. (Click here to find my new blog address).

I was just about to write a post about our free-loading chickens since they are 6 months old and still not laying eggs...

But I just walked out to say hi and what did I see...the first light brown egg!

Go North or West...most likely! I am assuming that it is one of the two because they are the biggest and have had bright red combs for the longest. I really have no clue who laid the first might have been East the (now) smallest who is always the last to leave the roost in the morning (most likely not her, since I found the egg in the outside part of our coop...but hey...who knows).

PS: I always check in the morning, which is when they usually lay...I guess I will have to start checking all day long...typical females, right?


Zoey said...

Amazing! So exciting! Is there anything weird about the first egg or first few eggs? Can you start eating them right away? Why do you think it was one of those 2 chickens, are they the biggest? I love hearing about your adventures with gardening, your family and the girls!!

junglej said...

yay, go girls

Stoney Acres said...

Congrats on the first egg!! You need to let me in on your secret, my hens are the same age and are still free loading!

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