Monday, January 2, 2012

Harvest Monday 12/27-1/2 2011/2012

baby artichoke with a little frost bite...I think they taste better this way.

We only really harvested this baby artichoke and eggs this week. Before we left for the holidays we harvested a lot of the salad greens, they are making a slow come back and we should have some yummy salads this coming week. We did a big thinning in the garden this week on our root veggies...the doctor had some of the tops of the thinning and the rest went to the girls. I really missed the girls while we were out of town and I'm so thankful to have great neighbors who will chicken sit. This week we plan on writing a post of our goals for the year...some are life goals and some are homestead goals.

We are linking up with Daphne's Dandelions, check out what others around the world are harvesting.


Melissa said...

An artichoke! Oh, how I long to grow our own artichokes! It'll never happen here, but maybe someday...

Congrats and Happy 2012!

kitsapFG said...

How in heavens name did you get an artichoke bud this time of year?! Amazing! My artichoke plants are growing and looking healthy - but definitely in winter mode at the moment. Hope you had a lovely trip and holidays. Here's to a great 2012!

Norma Chang said...

I tried growing artichoke for the first time last year but got zero harvest. May try again this year.

My Urban Gardens said...

I hope you have a wonderful New Year!


Jennie said...

We did do much...I was shocked when they bloomed. We did let the second bloom of the summer go to seed, then we cut it down to an inch in the fall. it came back for some reason

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