Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tips and tricks: Silicone baking cups

We came up with this trick since we have an ice maker and no ice cube trays. It actually works great and you can freeze in the perfect amount, about a 1/4 cup. Just fill silicone baking cups with desired amount and freeze. Then pop them out and into a freezer bag. We use it for yogurt for smoothies, juices for smoothies, chicken and veggie stock, and pesto.

What else would it work well for? See the commets for more ideas.


Zoey said...

I love this! I've made dog popsicles using chicken broth and freezing it but I used paper cups which they tear off. I like the silicone baking cups idea since then there's no soggy paper mess.

Jennie said...

What a great idea Zoey! Another great thing about this is the fact that you can reuse it, instead of throwing out a paper cup each time.

charity said...

Great idea! I used ice cube trays to freeze homemade baby food. But I usually had to use 2 cubes at a time anyway, so I think this would actually be a better size! :)

Jennie said...

Charity- I knew I was forgetting something. Baby food! Perfect size!

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